Understanding Professional Procurement Personal For Leadership Development and Effective Team Communication In The Mara Asset Management And Procurement Division
by Noraini Binti Mohamad
Procurement has now been considered as a critical service component in ensuring the sustainability of an organisation, and is no longer regarded as part of back office processes. Ethical concerns which have been surrounding issues in procurement add to the challenges in obtaining high work performance. This is a case research which explores how information on individual behavioural preferences and levels of emotional intelligence can be utilised to improve working dynamics amongst employees and the functional performance of a specific division.
Findings from this study can be used to inform the management on areas to train the officers in leadership development and in obtaining effectiveness in team communication as a strong team leadership could facilitate in overcoming the challenges and more to that, steer the procurement team towards achieving a high level of work performance. A case storyline is developed within this research to empathetically capture an understanding of the phenomenon in a case setting and can be subsequently used for training purposes. The qualitative inquiry , process begins with an examination of the collated psychometric scores, followed by a curation of story plots incorporating issues relevant to the employees’ results which are later presented as a case story. Usage of this case story with the informants themselves, or within the organisational community in general, either during departmental discussions or for a case study delivery in a formal training programme, would help this inquiry process to continuously evolve when considering the convergence of the different lens of observers looking into and making sense of the division’s work dynamics, with the lens of the informants themselves in how they understand and explain their own experiences.
Further insights into the value of behavioural assessment and emotional intelligence to other professional typecasting or functional parts of the organisation could also be progressively recorded to be synthesised for an understanding on the social dynamics of the overall community, serving as a reference for BAP, specifically, and the MARA agency, in general.
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