Tourism Recovery Strategy against COVID-19 Pandemic:
A Study on the Malaysian Hotel Industry


by Mohana Murni Shanmugam

February 2022


This paper intends to examine the tourism recovery strategy against Covid-19 pandemic by using the Malaysian hotel industry as the case study. Tourism was one of the first sectors to be deeply impacted by the pandemic and the sector also risks being among one of the last to recover, with the ongoing travel restrictions and the global recession. Hotel sector has seen a downfall in their hotel occupancy as customers are no longer travelling due to the fear of the virus and the Movement Control Order (MCO) that was imposed by the government.

The government have introduced a few strategies to help lift the hotel industry back and some of those strategies includes Economic Stimulus Package, hotel as quarantine centre and PEMERKASA Assistance Package 2021. Comprehensive literature review is carried out from various sources to understand the effect of this strategies on the hotel industry.

Furthermore, quantitative method of data collection from 200 returned survey questionnaire from respondents involve in the hotel industry was conducted. Descriptive analysis, Reliability test, and Pearson Correlation Coefficient method was used as a method of data analysis to interpret the results. From the data collected, it was found that the Economic Stimulus Package, hotel as quarantine centre and PEMERKASA Assistance Package have significantly benefited the hotel industry.

These packages have helped lift their financial burden and improve their cash flow that have ensured their sustainability. The results obtain could help the government and relevant tourism agency to understand the impact of such strategies on the hotel industry and have a greater control over the factors to influence the hotel industry recovery.

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