GECPC2021 – Parallel Session 1
Breakout Room 1
GECPC2021 – Parallel Session 1
Breakout Room 1
Theme : Education Technology
Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Dr Gazi Nurul Islam
Presenter 1: Yee Bee Choo, Faridah Mohd Sopah, Salbihana Samsudin, Halif Md. Saleh and Vijayan Periasamy
Topic: Digital Storytelling in the Home-Based Teaching and Learning During the Pandemic
Presenter 2: Supawadee Moss
Topic: The challenge of disengagement during lockdown: successfully engaging students in auditing courses
Presenter 3: Hamidah Mohamad & Muzamir Othman
Topic: Students’ Experience with Virtual Learning Environment: A Case Study of UNIRAZAK