Factors Affecting Consumer Buying Behaviour Relating

To Household Expenditure In Malaysia During Pandemic Covid-19

by Kanaga Ratinam A/L Amavasy

October 2021


This research conducted with a purpose to analyse few factors relating to consumer purchasing behaviour of household items among Malaysia citizens during pandemic Covid-19. Various measures were taken to control the spread of Covid-19 because it is not a normal crisis. Since the elements of economy are intricately interrelated with public health measures and lockdown, this resulted in economic instabilities of the nation’s hinting towards change in market dynamics and the consumer behaviour especially in items dealing with household needs.

The findings of this research will help to discover more in detail the factors influencing consumer purchasing behaviour of household items and how these variables bring changes to purchasing behaviour of household items to Malaysian citizens during these pandemic. The analysis is performed randomly to the family members, colleagues, classmates and other person all over Malaysia by spreading the questionnaire link. It is targeted to have at least 200 responses which
considerable represent the Malaysia citizens regarding these issues study.

The survey questionnaire is distribute through Google Form platform where Google Form link send by email, WhatsApp, Telegram and Messenger application to the targeted respondent for them to fill in their responses. The targeted research respondents will need to answer the questionnaire which divided into three sections namely Demographic Profile (Section A), Consumer Buying Behaviour (Section B) and Household Expenses (Section C). All three sections consist of about 29 main questions.

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