The Impact of Digital Devices on Work-Life Balance, Job Stress, and Job Satisfaction
by Baheeratiy A/P Baskaran
June 2023
Digital devices are useful for reducing job stress and employee dissatisfaction. In the research on digital devices, the roles of employees and managers are highlighted. Research objectives and questions are developed that lead the study to toward employee dissatisfaction.
The Malaysian government report has shown that employee dissatisfaction due to job stress is a serious issue. Thematic analysis is developed along with the consideration of transaction cost theory and scientific management theory. Both alternative and null hypotheses are developed so that the data analysis process becomes easier.
The methodology chapter of this study depicts the appropriate research design, data collection process and analysis of the data. These factors analyse the responses of the employees through the survey questions. The data collection method helps to depict the perspective of the respondents about the nature of the effects of digital devices on workplace and its employee of Malaysia
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