Access to wide-scale information of library, researches, media and many more at UNIRAZAK

Library’s Catalog
Online Resources
Online Resources
[Emerald Insight]
KMC Channels
KMC Zone

Pustaka is an online repository for digital library resources, offering easy access to e-books, research materials, and academic content.

Library's Catalog (OPAC)
Library’s search tool used to locate books. Log in to your account to manage your library transactions.

Online Resources [ProQuest]
ProQuest powers research in academic, corporate, government, public and school libraries around the world with unique content.

Online Resources [Emerald Insight]
Discover impactful Journals, Books & Case Studies from Emerald Publishing on Emerald Insight.

Academic Journals
Scholarly output by university members at UNIRAZAK (journal articles, book chapters, books, conference papers, working papers, technical reports, data and other types of research publications)

Question Bank
Search and access past exam papers that have been released by the Exam Unit. Answers and solutions are not provided.

Thesis Repository
Digital collection of In-house Post Graduate’s thesis.
E-Resources (Open Access)
Resources on E-Newspaper
Resources on E-Newspaper
Useful Links and Online Resources
Resources on E-Journal
- Directory of Open Access Journals
- American Journal of Business and Management
- International Journal of Banking and Finance (IJBF)
- International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS)
- Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI)
- Journal of Governance and Development (JGD)
- Journal of Information and Communication Technology (JICT)
- Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction (MJLI)
- Malaysian Management Journal (MMJ)
- School Community Journal
- World Journal of Social Sciences (WJSS)
- ALT-J: Research In Learning Technology
- Operation and Supply chain management
- Viewswire
Resources on Online Database
- Directory of Open Access Repositories
- Digital Access to Scholarship at Harward
- Elsevier Open
- Hindawi Open Access
- IEEE Open Accesss
- Journals for free
- Malaysian Citation Index (MyCite)
- Malaysian Journal Management System (MyJurnal)
- Open Access Journals Search Engine (OAJSE)
- Open Science Directory
- ScienceDirect Open Access Journals
- Wiley Open Access