Kinematics analysis of High Load Forward Lunge Exercise among Untrained Men

By Saidatul Nur Syuhadah Mohamed Sabadri, Noor Aiwa Rosman, Mohd Azharul Azemi, Rivan Sagitha Pratama, Muhammad Zulfadli Marsal, Ardhika Falaahudin & Dody Tri Iwandana

Jurnal Sains Sukan dan Pendidikan Jasmani Vol 12, No 1, 2023


This study was conducted to determine the kinematics during high loads forward lunge (70% and 85% 1RM). Thirty recreationally active, untrained men (mean age = 22.04 ± 0.81 years old) were recruited and were assigned to perform forward lunge with 70% 1RM (70FL) and 85% 1RM (85FL) with both their dominant and non dominant leg. No significant differences were found on all the joint angles (ankle, knee, hip and trunk) between 70FL and 85FL. Ascend time, descend time and time taken were found to be significantly shorter during 75FL while step length was found to be significantly greater during 75FL. Besides that, ascend time, descend time and time taken were significantly faster and the step distance was significantly greater in the dominant limb compared to the non-dominant limb during both loading. To conclude, kinematics during movement are affected by the loading lifted and the dominant and non-dominant sides of limb used.

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