The Development Of Waqf Via Sukuk Financing : The Case Of Khazanah “Sri Sukuk”
by Siti Nur Sathirah Fasha, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Omaima Eltahir Babikir Mohamed, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa, Prof. Dr. Zulkifflee Bin Mohamed
International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, (2018),Vol. 15, Issue 5
The paper analyzes evolvements of a type of waqf framework that incorporates sukuk as one of its financing instruments. As mentioned earlier, most waqf assets need to be further developed to maximize its potential in order to be able to accelerate the Islamic economies.
However, the development will not be possible without available funding and proper management of the waqf initiatives. Since there are various issues in development and management of the waqf development fund, sukuk issuance is now seen as one of the favorable sources of the waqf development fund.
By the issuance of the Khazanah SRI Sukuk, Khazanah can be seen as stepping up and leading the initiatives as one of the pioneers in the SRI ecosystem. The SRI Sukuk is also seen as the alternative way to enable further diversifications on financing instruments of waqf development and initiatives.
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