The Application of No-Code Low-Code Platforms in the Sector of Education
by Farhad Khosrojerdi, Hamed Motaghi, and Mohar Yusof
International Journal of Management, Accounting, Governance and Education 2021, Volume 1, Issue 2
The education sectors have been affected drastically all over the world due to COVID-19. The need for utilizing technologies to deliver online learning has compelled educational entities to accelerate digital transformation. However, the immediate shut down of educational organizations, lack of preparation for such an event caused unprecedented challenges for educational systems to effectively deal with digital learning transformation.
In addition, the time-consuming process of developing software applications negatively affected the reasonable solutions. Using low-code/no-code (LCNC) platforms, Citizen Development (CD) offers intuitive and swift tools to users with minimum or no knowledge about coding languages to develop software applications. In this paper, we introduce CD as an effective approach to overcome negative implications of the pandemic providing a framework for delivering an application development project that is suitable for the educational sector. To accomplish this, we present its software development life cycle (SDLC), project delivery guidelines, and required essential processes. Furthermore, requirements of the associated risks including functional and non- functional are defined as well.
Reducing administration workloads and efficient operation of the learning system are the additional benefits of applying LCNC platforms.