Employee Job Performance in Multinational Environment
by Ooi Jin Kheng, Eugene Dcruz, Mohar Yusof, Azrul Fazwan Kharuddin
International Journal of Management, Accounting, Governance and Education 2021, Volume 1, Issue 2
Employees are considered key constituents of organizations as job performance of employees is one of the key determinants of the growth and progress of the organization. High levels of employee efficiency and effectiveness will help organizations achieve its objectives.
Previous studies have demonstrated that there are various factors that may influence employee job performance. This research focuses on several factors which have been previously identified to impact employee job performance. However, in this instance the research focuses on a multinational electronics manufacturing company with 19,000 employees across 11 countries globally. A survey was conducted to collect data from employees with 200 employee questionnaires distributed.
Findings of the study suggest that work experience is the most important factor that positively impacts job performance of employees, followed by motivation, technology advancement, workload, and lastly financial stress. The analysis and results support the contention that employees’ job performance is integral to organization’s performance as employees are the main factors of production